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Feauters of Populism in Europe

Tokrat se nam s svojim esejem o značilnostih populizma v Evropi predstavlja študentka Ksenija Gromova, čigar glavni namen pisanja je, da koncept populizma definira v kontekstu sodobne družboslovne znanosti in razišče pogoje za to, da do populizma v Evropi sploh pride. Esej je sicer pisan v angleščini. Povezavo nanj najdete spodaj in sicer takoj za povzetkom.

Nowadays populism remains one of the most controversial notions– a great number of researchers from the social and political science investigates it and try to find an explanation for this multidimensional phenomenon. There is no single and simple definition, moreover, populism has become quite wide- spread throughout the last years due to certain political and social issues ,active globalization processes and the whole transformation of the world, both socially and politically. Europe, to be precise, the European countries are not an exclusion here – conversely, the phenomenon of the populism in Europe has obtained its own certain features and particularities. Therefore, the main aim of this essay is to elicit certain definitional and conceptual aspects of populism throughout the context of the contemporary social science as well as the conditions under which it is likely toappear or already exists in Europe.

Kako definirati populizem?

Slika je bila odvzeta iz spletnega časopisa The Guardian. Povezavo do članka, ki ga je napisal Peter C. Braker pa najdete tukaj

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